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One of the primary advantages of Flowdapt is the ability to easily add configurations to your workflows. For example, you may need to configure parameters such as the number of cities to scrape on (nowcast), or the number of days to forecast. These parameters are easily defined and passed to all functions inside a workflow using the config resource.

Defining a Config

The config resource follows a Kubernetes-like schema, just like all Flowdapt resources (e.g. workflows and triggers):

kind: config
  name: main
    group: nowcast
    type: annotation
      group: nowcast
    study_identifier: "unique-namespace"
      n_estimators: 100
      max_depth: 5
      random_state: 42
      variable1: "value1" # a variable to be used in one of the stages

This config resource is now available inside any Workflows that have the same group: nowcast annotation (as specified by the selector). The config resource can now be applied with:

flowctl apply -p path/to/config.yaml
Config Selector

The selector field is used to specify which workflows can access the config. In this example, the selector is set to type: annotation and the value is a map of annotations group: nowcast. This means that any workflows with the annotation group: nowcast can access this config. The selector can also be set to type: name and value: workflow_name to allow only the workflow with the name workflow_name to access the config.

Now that the config resource is applied, it can be used in any workflows that have the same group: nowcast annotation. Accessing this config inside any of the stages is as simple as calling get_run_context().config from inside any stage or any function called by a stage:

from flowdapt.compute.resources.workflow.context import get_run_context

def my_first_stage():
    # Get the current run context
    context = get_run_context()

    # Access the config
    config = context.config

    # Access the config data using the dictionary syntax
    study_identifier = config["study_identifier"]
    model_train_parameters = config["model_train_parameters"]
    extras = config["extras"]

Modifying a config

One of the biggest benefits of the Flowdapt configuration system is that these configurations (and even workflows) can be modified live via:

  • the flowdapt REST API,
  • one of the available SDKs,
  • flowctl, or
  • the flowdapt dashboard

without needing to re-install, no need to re-deploy, and no need to re-build any images. This permits you to rapidly fine tune your plugin for optimal resource management and performance. For example, you can modify the n_estimators parameter in the model_train_parameters section of the config above, then you can apply the config again and the new value will be used in the next run of the workflow.