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User Modules

Sometimes full blown Plugins are too much for what you want to do. In this case, you can use User Modules. User Modules are Python scripts that contain the functions that will be executed by the Workflow. These modules are stored in the application directory, by default it would be ~/.flowdapt/user_modules. Users can quickly add a Python script to this directory and it will be available to use in their Workflows.


If you use a custom application directory via --app-dir, the user_modules directory will be in that directory instead.


Let's say you have a Python script called user_modules/ that contains a function called process_data(). You can use this function in your Workflow by defining the target as user_modules.feature_engineering.process_data. Here's an example:

name: "build_features"
description: "Fetch data from online sources, then create features"

  - target: flowdapt_weather_plugin.stages.fetch_data
    name: fetch_data

  - target: user_modules.feature_engineering.process_data
    name: process_data
     - fetch_data

When a Python script is added to the user_modules directory, it is automatically added to the path. The import path is always user_modules followed by the name of the python module.

Specifying requirements for the User Modules isn't directly supported, however some Executors support specifying packages to install. For example, the RayExecutor supports specifying pip field for setting requirements to install in the environment. See the Ray Executor documentation for more details. For more complex requirements, it is recommended to create a Plugin.